Tropic Air Rescue continues efforts to bring back Floridians trapped in Haiti. 143 Americans rescued by Tropic Air Rescue


TROPIC AIR RESCUE of Ft Lauderdale Florida announces it is proud to have answered the call to serve. Under the direction of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT we conducted rescue operations for the state in Haiti. We directly rescued and repatriated 143 Americans out of Port au Prince Haiti. They are all now safe with their families back in the U.S.
This operation began with a telephone request on a Sunday night for assistance from Florida U.S. Congressman. On that night we flew from Ft. Lauderdale to the Dominican Republic and then into Haiti to rescue 10 trapped Americans from a safe house in downtown Port au Prince. That event was the catalyst for what became an all out rescue effort shortly thereafter involving the Governors Office and the Florida Department of Emergency Management, coordinating multiple helicopters shuttling trapped persons from Port au Prince to Cap Haitian airport in the northern part of the country and then placing them on jets back to the U.S. Over 400 Americans have so far been rescued! An amazing team effort by all the persons and agencies involved. Lots of sleepless weeks on the edge of daily events.
It was our honor, privilege and pleasure to serve when called.
